GEDU 15NL Wall Box for 15 dB lacing system

230,00 DKK for 1 stk.
Se pris uden moms Pris uden moms 184,00 DKK
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Om produktet
GEDU 15 NL is a wall socket for a lacing system with 15 dB attenuation for CAI and/or SAT. This wall socket has 2 outputs, both of which transmit the entire frequency range (5-2400 MHz). If the wcd is used as a terminal box, the loop-through output must be terminated with a terminating resistor R77. Unused outputs must be closed to prevent unwanted signal radiation. This wall socket has the so-called pushlock technology so that the cable can be secured quickly, easily and securely with the push of a button. The mounting frame is universally applicable with all well-known brands of built-in and surface-mounted material. The corners can be broken off for round flush-mounted boxes. The depth and diameter of the box has been greatly reduced to allow installation in semi-deep back boxes or to hide excess cable.
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