Kostal Smart Energy Meter G2
Energimåler / smartmeter G2 til KOSTAL PLENTICORE plus / PIKO IQ Til måling, visning og transmission af elektriske parametre Op til 3-faset energimålinger i realtid - forudkonfigurerede grænseflader til tilslutning af KOSTAL invertere PIKO IQ, PLENTICORE plus og PIKO MP plus (PV-drift). Husk at tilkøbe Kostal voucher / license til aktivering af batteri interface. Mere information kan findes her: Du finder info her: https://www.kostal-solar-electric.com/en-gb/service-and-support/storage-activation Kompatibel med KOSTAL solcelle inverters: - PIKO IQ, - PLENTICORE plus, - PIKO MP plus, - PIKO 4.2-20 (as from FW 05.00) and PIKO 36 EPC. Kompatibel med KOSTAL hybrid inverters: - PLENTICORE plus (Aktiveringskode til PLENTICORE plus er nødvendig) - PIKO MP plus (Aktiveringskode til KSEM er nødvendig) Du kan også bestille den via Solar. SOLCELLEAFDELINGEN PÅ SOLCELLER@SOLAR.DK ELLER +45 76527820 Kompatibel med KOSTAL battery inverters: - PLENTICORE BI - PIKO MP plus (Aktiveringskode til KSEM er nødvendig) Services inkluderet: - Pre-configured RS485 interfaces til forenklet idriftsættelse for PLENTICORE plus, PLENTICORE BI and PIKO MP plus (PV operation) - 2 x LAN / 2 x RS485 interface - Smart tariff display - Measurement of active and reactive power, apparent power, current strength and power factor per phase - Integrated Webserver for easy advanced device configuration by the installer - Multiple-inverter connection for PV inverters PLENTICORE plus, PIKO IQ and PIKO 4.2 to 20 via network - Home consumption / Self consumption measuring and transmission to the Solar Portal for multiple inverter connection with PV inverters - Battery charge and discharge control in conjunction with the PIKO MP plus and the BYD Premium batteries (can be optionally purchased) The core functions at a glance: - Real-time data capture - 3-phase energy measurement for purchase and feed-in - Top-hat rail assembly (4 TE) - 24h recording of home consumption - Dynamic active power control - Provision of battery data in combination with PLENTICORE plus - Multi-inverter connection with 3-phase PV inverters - Battery charge and discharge control in conjunction with the PIKO MP plus and the BYD Premium batteries (can be optionally purchased) KOSTAL Service Tutorials: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzsWWowCptZxz04AbmnpYiBkbofzNc7l0
Energimåler / smartmeter G2 til KOSTAL PLENTICORE plus / PIKO IQ Til måling, visning og transmission af elektriske parametre
Op til 3-faset energimålinger i realtid - forudkonfigurerede grænseflader til tilslutning af KOSTAL invertere PIKO IQ, PLENTICORE plus og PIKO MP plus (PV-drift).
Husk at tilkøbe Kostal voucher / license til aktivering af batteri interface.
Mere information kan findes her:
Du finder info her: https://www.kostal-solar-electric.com/en-gb/service-and-support/storage-activation
Kompatibel med KOSTAL solcelle inverters:
- PIKO MP plus,
- PIKO 4.2-20 (as from FW 05.00) and PIKO 36 EPC.
Kompatibel med KOSTAL hybrid inverters:
- PLENTICORE plus (Aktiveringskode til PLENTICORE plus er nødvendig)
- PIKO MP plus (Aktiveringskode til KSEM er nødvendig)
Du kan også bestille den via Solar.
Kompatibel med KOSTAL battery inverters:
- PIKO MP plus (Aktiveringskode til KSEM er nødvendig)
Services inkluderet:
- Pre-configured RS485 interfaces til forenklet idriftsættelse for PLENTICORE plus, PLENTICORE BI and PIKO MP plus (PV operation)
- 2 x LAN / 2 x RS485 interface
- Smart tariff display
- Measurement of active and reactive power, apparent power, current strength and power factor per phase
- Integrated Webserver for easy advanced device configuration by the installer
- Multiple-inverter connection for PV inverters PLENTICORE plus, PIKO IQ and PIKO 4.2 to 20 via network
- Home consumption / Self consumption measuring and transmission to the Solar Portal for multiple inverter connection with PV inverters
- Battery charge and discharge control in conjunction with the PIKO MP plus and the BYD Premium batteries (can be optionally purchased)
The core functions at a glance:
- Real-time data capture
- 3-phase energy measurement for purchase and feed-in
- Top-hat rail assembly (4 TE)
- 24h recording of home consumption
- Dynamic active power control
- Provision of battery data in combination with PLENTICORE plus
- Multi-inverter connection with 3-phase PV inverters
- Battery charge and discharge control in conjunction with the PIKO MP plus and the BYD Premium batteries (can be optionally purchased)
KOSTAL Service Tutorials: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzsWWowCptZxz04AbmnpYiBkbofzNc7l0

Energimåler / smartmeter G2 til KOSTAL PLENTICORE plus / PIKO IQ Til måling, visning og transmission af elektriske parametre
Op til 3-faset energimålinger i realtid - forudkonfigurerede grænseflader til tilslutning af KOSTAL invertere PIKO IQ, PLENTICORE plus og PIKO MP plus (PV-drift).
Husk at tilkøbe Kostal voucher / license til aktivering af batteri interface.
Mere information kan findes her:
Du finder info her: https://www.kostal-solar-electric.com/en-gb/service-and-support/storage-activation
Kompatibel med KOSTAL solcelle inverters:
- PIKO MP plus,
- PIKO 4.2-20 (as from FW 05.00) and PIKO 36 EPC.
Kompatibel med KOSTAL hybrid inverters:
- PLENTICORE plus (Aktiveringskode til PLENTICORE plus er nødvendig)
- PIKO MP plus (Aktiveringskode til KSEM er nødvendig)
Du kan også bestille den via Solar.
Kompatibel med KOSTAL battery inverters:
- PIKO MP plus (Aktiveringskode til KSEM er nødvendig)
Services inkluderet:
- Pre-configured RS485 interfaces til forenklet idriftsættelse for PLENTICORE plus, PLENTICORE BI and PIKO MP plus (PV operation)
- 2 x LAN / 2 x RS485 interface
- Smart tariff display
- Measurement of active and reactive power, apparent power, current strength and power factor per phase
- Integrated Webserver for easy advanced device configuration by the installer
- Multiple-inverter connection for PV inverters PLENTICORE plus, PIKO IQ and PIKO 4.2 to 20 via network
- Home consumption / Self consumption measuring and transmission to the Solar Portal for multiple inverter connection with PV inverters
- Battery charge and discharge control in conjunction with the PIKO MP plus and the BYD Premium batteries (can be optionally purchased)
The core functions at a glance:
- Real-time data capture
- 3-phase energy measurement for purchase and feed-in
- Top-hat rail assembly (4 TE)
- 24h recording of home consumption
- Dynamic active power control
- Provision of battery data in combination with PLENTICORE plus
- Multi-inverter connection with 3-phase PV inverters
- Battery charge and discharge control in conjunction with the PIKO MP plus and the BYD Premium batteries (can be optionally purchased)
KOSTAL Service Tutorials: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzsWWowCptZxz04AbmnpYiBkbofzNc7l0