LK FUGA® IHC Control Pir sensor 24v - uden afdækning

680,00 DKK for 1 stk.
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Om produktet

"FUGA PIR 24V insert. PIR is a motion sensor used in systems with 24 V voltage supply for example. IHC Control. PIR is designed for installation in a standard switch height. When a person moves into the field of view, PIR will send a pulse at the output of the start of the timer in the control system. PIR has no built-in timer. Please note that the sensor may respond to objects that can make rapid temperature changes such as: air-conditioning, ventilation, heaters and sunlight or reflective light. The sensor is designed for installation in FUGA 1 module sockets and support. Construction: The sensor has dual screwless terminals for connection of stiff wire, one wire each. hole. The installation is carried out as a 3-wire; 24 V, 0 V and PIR output and comes with a standard factory setting. It is possible to set the sensitivity from 4 to 10 meters and setting the current light level."

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